Obama's anti-climate crusade

by Donna Goodman  President Obama’s State of the Union speech Jan. 25 contained distressing news for opponents of global warming who recognize the need to begin substantially reducing reliance upon carbon based fossil fuels. “Over the...

UN biodiversity plan: neoliberal measures to commodify nature

Acción Ecológica is gathering signatures for this letter, in advance of the Global Dialogue Seminar on Scaling up Finance for Biodiversity, to be held in Quito, Ecuador, March 6-9 ++++++++ Open letter to the secretariat of the Convention on...

Eight ways Monsanto fails at sustainable agriculture

Monsanto has held back the development of sustainable agriculture, and continues to do so. None of its competitors come close to matching its impact on global agriculture ++++++++++ [from the Union of Concerned Scientists] Monsanto Company is the...

Behind the 'Green Economy' – A new drive to commodify nature

Faced with an even more complex and deeper crisis, capitalism is launching a fresh attack that combines the old austerity measures with an offensive to create new sources of profit and growth through the “Green Economy” agenda.  ++++++++++++++++++...

The agribusiness takeover of pale green NGOs

Many of the biggest conservation NGOs  have done deals with international agribusiness. They  greenwash industrial commodity agriculture in exchange for vague promises of sustainability and social justice. ++++++++++++++++ by Jonathan Latham...

A multimedia introduction to The Communist Manifesto

“All previous historical movements were movements of minorities, or in the interest of minorities. The proletarian movement is the self-conscious, independent movement of the immense majority, in the interest of the immense majority.”...

Enough is enough! It's time for a maximum wage

US radicals came up with sound proposals for a maximum income a century ago. Isn’t it time to put that idea back on the table? ++++++++++++++++++ by Sam Pizzigati  Le Monde Diplomatique  The Occupy Wall Street movement hasn’t yet demanded a...

Without women there is no food sovereignty

La Via Campesina is working with feminist organizations and networks like the World March of Women to promote networking and solidarity among women in North and South Related posts… (auto-generated) International manifesto of the women of Via...

The paradox of Cuban agriculture

Cuban agricultural production expanded 4.2% per year from 1996 to 2005, at a time when the average growth in the region was 0% +++++++++++ by Miguel A. Altieri and Fernando R. Funes-Monzote Monthly Review, January 2012 When Cuba faced the shock of...

Barry Commoner: Pollution, affluence and class

[Quotes and Insights #23] Pioneer socialist ecologist Barry Commoner, author of The Closing Circle, speaking at Harvard University, during the first Earth Day, April 1970…. “The favorite statistic is that the U.S. contains 6 to 7% of the world...

UK governments lied about the need for nuclear

Report endorsed by MPs from four parties says that governments misled Parliament to win support for new nuclear power stations  +++++++++++++ by Fiona Harvey Guardian, January 31, 2012  Ministers misled parliament over the need to build a new fleet...