The "no warming in 16 years" myth has been exploded again, this time by NASA
How the tar sands produce dirty coal
It's called "petcoke," and it is nasty, climate destroying stuff
End rural slavery in South Africa!
La Via Campesina: South African commercial farming is the most powerful on the continent; it flourishes at the expense of the oppression and exploitation of agricultural workers.
Ultra heatwave: Australia's new normal
The world burns, while corporations and governments fiddle
Evo Morales: Ten commandments against capitalism, for life and humanity
"Our vision of the Communitarian Socialism of Living Well is based on rights and not on the market. It is based on the full realization of human happiness of peoples and populations, through the full complementarity of the rights of peoples...
Call for papers on climate change and social change
The editors of the annual journal Alternate Routes are seeking papers on the environment and prospects for social change, for the 2014 issue.
Geopolitics of the Amazon
Free download from C&C: Alvaro Garcia Linero's powerful book-length response to leftist critics of the Morales government's economic policies, including the controversial TIPNIS highway and so-called 'extractivism.'
Promised Land: Hollywood takes on the frackers
Ted Glick says Matt Damon's new movie doesn't tell the whole story about fracking, but it is nonetheless a strong film about corportate power
What if First Nations stopped subsidizing Canada?
The claim that First Nations live off government subsidies is a racist myth. In reality, Indigenous people have been massively subsidizing Canada for a very long time.
Tar Sands: Is Canada a 'resource colony'?
Some Canadian environmentalists are blaming this ecological nightmare on foreign investors. Their analysis is both mistaken and dangerous: the tar sands are firmly in Canadian hands, and those hands are very dirty.
An Indigenous action program for real change in Canada
The Defenders of the Land program, adopted in 2008, is now proposed as a powerful unifying force for the new Idle No More Movement
C&C readers debate 'The contradictions of real socialism'
Join the discussion of Michael Lebowitz's latest book
Bolivia: A balance sheet for 2012, challenges for 2013
Despite attacks from within and abroad, Bolivia's 'process of change' made important gains in 2012, and is building on its strengths to advance into a post-capitalist economic revolution.
Why Shell can't be trusted in the Arctic
Greenpeace explains why the petro-giant's Arctic adventure is an environmental disaster waiting to happen.
Canadian Youth Climate Coalition takes the gloves off
Student activists give up tax-free status to fight fossil fuel giants
Connect the dots for a New's Year's revolution!
We need a 21st Century Green Manifesto to overthrow the Corporatocracy and dismantle the suicide economy, before it’s too late.
On optimism and pessimism
Leon Trotsky: Thoughts on a new year
Antarctic: The big melt accelerates
West Antarctica is one of the fastest warming regions on Earth
Canada: Idle No More movement demands indigenous rights, environmental justice
Video: Democracy Now interviews Dr. Pamela Palmater, spokeswoman for the Idle No More movement.
C&C's 2012 Top 20
In 2012 the most popular Climate & Capitalism articles were ...