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Joel Kovel: Why Ecosocialism Today?

a socialism worthy of the name will have to be ecologically—or to be more exact, “ecocentrically”—oriented, that is, it will have to be an “ecosocialism” devoted to restoring the integrity of our relationship to nature

Live Earth and Al Gore’s Oil Connection

by David T. Rowlands from Green Left Weekly, 20 July 2007 The corporate media has heaped praise on Al Gore following the international rock gig Live Earth. But to ask the U’wa people, from the tropical cloud forests of north-eastern Colombia, what...

Cuba’s Fight Against Capitalism’s Climate Crisis

by James Haywood from Socialist Voice, July 2, 2007 “Cuba has an energy policy whose core concept is to rely less and less on hydrocarbons and give greater space in the energy balance to renewable sources like solar, wind, tide, and water...

Socialist Register 2007 – Coming to Terms with Nature

Socialist Register 2007 Coming to Terms with Nature. Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, editors. Monthly Review Press, New York, 2006. reviewed by Sarah Parker The editors and authors of this year’s Socialist Register have produced an excellent collection...

Myths of the Agro-Fuel Transition

By Eric Holt-Giménez, Ph.D. Executive Director, Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy Biofuels invoke an image of renewable abundance that allows industry, politicians, the World Bank, the UN, and even the Intergovernmental Panel on...

Climate Change and the Muslim World

A Briefing published by the World Development Movement (WDM) and the London Islamic Network for the Environment (LINE). Climate change is increasingly seen as the biggest challenge facing humanity. We will all be affected by it, but it is many of...

Great Green Smokescreen

by Simon Korner Dispatches on Channel 4 [U.K.] on July 16 examined the trend for offsetting one’s “carbon footprint,” and questioned how accurate the science for measuring this really is.BP has claimed on its website that by buying into a scheme for...

Climate Change and Class Conflict

by Chris Harman In the past two years the question of climate change has moved from the margins of mainstream political debate to the centre. Hardly a week goes by without some international meeting discussing it. Politicians and corporations of all...

International Ecosocialist Meeting – Update #1

More information on this fall’s planned international meeting of ecosocialists The response to last month’s call for an international meeting of ecosocialists has been very encouraging. As that announcement said: “This meeting is a very preliminary...

Cubans Call for a Global Response to Climate Change

From Granma (newspaper of the Communist Party of Cuba), July 6, 2007 By a group of authors from the Cuban Ministry of Science and Technology (CITMA) and the Council of State Before the beginning of the recent meeting of the Group of 8, President...