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Ecosocialism for the 21st Century

Over 100 people attended the public meeting on “Ecosocialism for the 21st Century” in Vancouver, B.C. on Friday September 21, 2007. The speakers were: Joel Kovel, author of The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or The End of the World and...

Carbon Pricing Problem: It Doesn’t Work

It’s an article of faith among capitalist economists that the best solution to “market failure” is “more markets.” Convert the problem into a commodity, and the market will magically solve it. John Bellamy Foster writes: “For orthodox economists...

DC Rally to Protest Bush Climate Change Conference

September 28: Come Spoil Bush’s Sham Climate Conference Sponsored by: Chesapeake Climate Action Network, U.S. Climate Emergency Council, Oil Change International, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and U.S. Climate Action Network.In a clearly...

More Violence Against Campesinos in Paraguay

From La Soya Mata – Soy Kills ESP September 20th , Asunción – Paraguay At the end of August an encampment of landless peasants in the neighbourhood of Ka´iho (district of Yhu in Paraguayan province Caaguazu) was evicted, on the orders of the...

Toronto Meeting on Climate Change, Sept. 29

Saturday September 29, 12:30-5:30pm International Student Centre 33 St. George St, University of Toronto Organized by the U. of T. International SocialistsWorkshops: Why capitalism is destroying the planet; Climate change and revolution; Canada and...

What's Wrong With Carbon Offsets and Carbon Trading?

These days, everyone professes concern about climate change. And with the advent of the Kyoto Protocol, the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, and carbon ‘offsets’, it looks like governments and corporations are at last starting to do...

More on Ecuador's Proposal to Leave Amazon Oil in the Ground

Previous posts on Climate and Capitalism (here and here) discussed Ecuador’s proposal to halt development of oil reserves in the Yasuni Park in the Amazon region if it received international compensation. Here’s additional background, prepared by an...

APEC Fails on Climate Change, Pushes Nukes

By Zoe Kenny From Green Left Weekly, September 14, 2007 Despite the media fanfare, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, held in Sydney on September 8 and 9, achieved next to nothing in combating global warming. The key outcome was the...