The claim that small farms produce 70% of all food is a myth ... but in a different social order...
Latest articles
More on the Insect Apocalypse
New research shows insect decline poses major threat to important tropical crops
Disasters have caused $3.8 trillion in crop losses over 30 years
Disaster events increase in frequency, intensity and complexity, and impacts worsen worldwide
How not to feed a hungry planet
India's fertilizer-intensive 'Green Revolution' is a warning, not a blueprint
Above 1.5°C, heat and humidity can be deadly for billions
New research shows human tolerance for global heating is lower than previously thought
Is degrowth against workers’ interests?
Critics say working people will never support degrowth. They don't understand workers or degrowth.
Worldwide, 41% of amphibians are threatened with extinction
Climate change, disease and habitat destruction are major factors in population decline
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, October 2023
New books for reds and greens. Cuba’s degrowth; Viruses; Bluefin tuna; Small farm solutions;...
Carbon offsets don’t work, and that’s not news
It's been clear from the beginning that the market for 'emissions offsets' is based on lies.
Waterborne poison from metal mines affects over 23 million people
Huge areas contaminated by lead, zinc, copper, arsenic and other toxic wastes
Degrowth and ecosocialism – a reply
The critical issue is not today's elections, but preparing for tomorrow's mass movements
The Earth System has passed six of nine planetary boundaries
Dwindling resilience brings the planet ever closer to catastrophic tipping points