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Climate Change

Climate Driven Migration Has Begun

Forecasts of environmental migration vary widely – the intergovernmental International Organization for Migration estimates that 200 million people will be displaced by 2050, while the respected charity Christian Aid predicts 700 million in the same time frame. More important than specific 40-year...

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Africa Oil, Oil Industry

Nigeria: The Evidence Shell Tried to Bury

Oil giant Shell paid $15.5 million to end a lawsuit over its role in the state murder of nine environmental activists in Nigeria. Here’s some of the evidence they were hoping to keep secret. Share:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new...

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Protests & Revolts

Climate Emergency Marches in Australia, June 13

Video: [UPDATED – MORE PICTURES ADDED] The Climate Change Emergency march in Sydney on June 13, 2009 marched from Millers Point on Sydney Harbour to the Prime Minister’s office in Philip St, where a short sit down took place. There were marches in all state capitals and other cities as...

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Food and Farming Video, audio

Economic crisis and food sovereignty

Video: Around the world, hunger is growing, while millions of working farmers face ruin. Even in Canada, unsound and dangerous corporate practices menace our food supply. The worldwide movement for food sovereignty aims to ensure peoples’ capacity to shape their own food production systems, free...

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Capitalism Marxist Ecology

Humanity in the Capitalist Cul-de-sac

As a result of 200 years of capitalism, humanity is deep in a very dangerous cul-de-sac which could result in barbarism on an unprecedented scale Share:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click...

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Capitalism Manifestos

A Call for De-growth

The term is virtually unknown elsewhere, but in France and Italy there has been considerable interest in environmentalist circles in “Décroissance soutenable” – sustainable de-growth. The following is a Declaration issued by a conference on the subject held last year in Paris. The...

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