Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Food and Farming
Land privatization = More hunger
South African food sovereignty campaigners expand land occupations
Why GMOs won’t feed the world (despite what you read in the New York Times)
Hunger in the midst of plenty
Who gets the big U.S. farm subsidies? Not farmers
Bolivian law aims to protect food sovereignty
Food safety: It's corporate wealth versus people's health
Oceans on the brink of disaster
OECD and FAO: High food prices will continue
La Via Campesina to G20: Stop the land grabs!
Video: The neoliberal assault on Egypt's small farmers
Vandana Shiva: The great land grab, India's war on farmers
For the Land! The Youth of La Via Campesina are fighting!
Argentina accuses agribusiness giants of massive fraud
Chronic hunger spreads as food prices hit record highs
Farmers Suffer While Food Prices Rise
Alternatives to the Dominant Agricultural Model
La Via Campesina: The Bali Seed Declaration
The Oil-Food Price Shock
Seed Treaty Legalizes Theft
Eco-Farming Can Double Food Production in 10 Years
Food Prices and Oil Prices
Can We Feed 9 Billion People?
La Vía Campesina: "COP 16 is doomed to fail"
G20 pushes business as usual, Small farmers demand system change
UN warns: Food prices soar in 2010, higher in 2011
The World Food Crisis: Causes and Solutions
Speculation and climate driving up food prices
Food Sovereignty in Venezuela
Mislabeled food and the myth of ‘consumer sovereignty’
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