Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Climate Change
Greenhouse gas emissions spiked again in 2023
The left, the far-right and climate chaos
Global heating endangers US prisoners
Slowing Atlantic current could trigger sudden climate shift
700 million years ago, the Earth froze. Now we know why.
The COP Delusion: Decades of empty words and no action
Ecosocialist Bookshelf: February 2024
50 updated replies to climate science deniers
Left critics denounce COP28, but offer no alternative
Alpine glaciers certain to shrink at least a third by 2050
Davos and the melting world economy
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, January 2024
Do capitalists want to kill humanity … and themselves?
2023 was hottest year on record, close to 1.5°C
Taking stock of COP28: Thirteen observations
COP28: Where fossil fuel industries go to gloat
Extreme weather in India: A disaster nearly every day
Carbon dioxide becomes more potent as world heats
Worldwide, 1 in 12 hospitals won’t survive extreme weather
Record heat driving a trail of devastation and death
Another oil-soaked climate summit disaster looms
Greenhouse Gas concentrations hit record high. Again.
The scariest climate graph of all
Promised emission cuts are ‘severely off track’
1.5°C global heating likely to be locked in by 2030
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, November 2023
The warmest September on record, by a large margin
Disasters have caused $3.8 trillion in crop losses over 30 years
Above 1.5°C, heat and humidity can be deadly for billions
Worldwide, 41% of amphibians are threatened with extinction
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Essential Reading
Book Reviews