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Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Bolivia
Video: Bolivia explains how to close the emissions gap
Bolivian ambassador speaks out against water privatization
Bolivia at UN: "We cannot command nature except by obeying her"
In Dakar, Bolivia Worked to Build the Global Climate Justice Movement
Rio+20 and the rush to sell nature's invisible labor
Why Bolivia opposed the Cancún deal
Bolivia's dissent strips the Cancun deal naked
Cuban statement on Cancun deal
In Cancún, Evo Morales led the fight for Mother Earth
Bolivia: Cancun deal is hollow and false; Its cost will be measured in human lives
Cancun: Evo Morales Speaks on Climate Change and Capitalism
Bolivia Responds to U.S. Manipulation of Climate Talks Revealed by WikiLeaks
Bolivia: Cancún must not be Can't-cún
Evo Morales: A letter to the indigenous peoples of the world
ALBA nations declare: Nature has no price!
Toronto, Nov. 13: Teach-in on Bolivia and Climate Justice
Bolivia's Ambassador on Climate Negotiations and Water as a Human Right
UN Declares Water a Human Right
From Water Wars to the Fight for Climate Justice: Pablo Solón on the Lessons of Cochabamba
Loopholes in Obama Climate Accord Will Let Rich Nations Increase Emissions
Evo Morales: United, the developing countries can save the world
Evo Morales: Either capitalism dies or Mother Earth dies
Civil Society Playing Key Role in People's Conference
Cochabamba climate conference will "Shift power back to the people"
FI Supports Cochabamba Peoples’ Summit on Climate
Evo Donates 50% of Salary to Haiti and Chile
Bolivia: Invitation to the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights
For a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth
Inside Report: How ALBA Fought for Humanity in Copenhagen
Bolivia Calls World Conference of Social Movements
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