Ecosocialist Notebook

Climate & Capitalism editor on Australian speaking tour, April 30-May 14

C&C will be taking a break while Ian Angus speaks at ecosocialist meetings in seven Australian cities, and launches his new book at the Socialism for the 21st Century conference in Sydney.

Climate & Capitalism will be less active than usual until mid-May, because I’m on the road again.

Facing the AnthropoceneI’m looking forward to meeting many Climate & Capitalism readers during my visit to Australia, organized by Socialist Alliance and Green Left Weekly. I’ll be speaking in seven cities between April 30 and May 11, and launching my new book, Facing the Anthropocene, at the Socialism for the 21st Century conference in Sydney, May 13-15. I’m also looking forward to many informal discussions over cold drinks, and to some time off to see kangaroos and such.

If you are in Australia, please try to attend.

(If you can’t be in Sydney on May 13 … Monthly Review Press is now accepting advance orders for Facing the Anthropocene, and I have it on good authority that early buyers will receive it well in advance of the official publication date.)


The following dates are confirmed. For more information, contact the local branch of Socialist Alliance.

Talk: Capitalism versus humanity in the fight to save the planet

Socialism for the 21st Century conference, Sydney University, May 13-15

  • Friday May 13, 6:30pm: Book Launch forum and reception
    Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System 
  • Saturday, May 14, 12 noon: Panel Discussion
    After Paris, Building the Movement for Climate Justice

Facing Anthropocene Book Launch