The unequal pain of climate change in Europe

New European Union report says “economically lagging regions are also the most vulnerable to climate change.” Translation: Even in a rich continent, the poor will suffer most.

New European Union report says “economically lagging regions are also the most vulnerable to climate change.” Translation: Even in a rich continent, the poor will suffer most.

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe. Click for larger image

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012, a new report from the European Environment Agency, an agency of the European Union, says that climate change is affecting all parts of the continent, and predicts high damage costs if action isn’t taken.

The impact of climate will not be felt equally by all:

“Climate change will probably deepen the existing socio-economic imbalances between the core of Europe and its southern and south-eastern parts because many economically lagging regions are also the most vulnerable to climate change.

“Most likely these imbalances will even increase in the future: the current economic and financial crises in Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal are reducing both individual and collective adaptive capacities.

“And in eastern Europe severe demographic changes like massive out-migration and ageing are projected to continue, which would further increase regional climate change sensitivity and decrease adaptive capacity levels…”

Download the Report (pdf, 32 MB)
Download the Summary (pdf 6.9 MB)