Australian Climate Activists Plan Week of Protests

A call for a national week of protest action beginning September 21

We need urgent action on climate change!

Climate change is already occurring, much faster than the world’s scientists have predicted. Recent data including the very real possibility of the arctic sea-ice melting by September this year demonstrate that this is a climate emergency.

We are concerned that the Australian government’s proposed Emissions Trading Scheme will be full of loopholes and by the government’s own admission will allow emissions to continue rising for some years. We believe such incremental measures are unacceptable: We need greenhouse emissions to start to fall immediately and sharply.

To begin to solve the problem we need action on many fronts including:

  • No new coal;
  • Massive public spending on renewable energy;
  • More public transport not new freeways;
  • End logging of old growth forests.

We call for a national week of protests across Australia at the Spring Equinox, in the week beginning September 21. This week of action can highlight the summer melt of the Arctic ice and other worrying signs that demand urgent measures to de-carbonize the economy from state and Federal governments.

We ask climate change campaign groups and networks and all environmentally concerned organizations across Australia to work together for a coordinated and effective week of public protest around these themes.

Call issued by the organizing committee for the July 5 Climate Emergency rally in Melbourne

Endorsed unanimously by participants at the final session of the August 2 Climate Justice seminar in Melbourne

Please circulate this message widely.

1 Comment

  • Will there be protests in Adelaide during the week of 21 september? I would like to get involved.