Three Important Books for Ecosocialists

Must-have additions to your library

Three new books, from three different continents. We may publish full reviews in the future if our workload allows. But don’t wait: all three are important resources for activists. Because they are new and not to be found in most bookstores, we’ve suggested places where you can order them.

Climate Code Red: the Case for a Sustainability Emergency. By David Spratt & Philip Sutton. Scribe Publications, 2008

From Australia: Leaders of Carbon Equity and Greenleaf Strategic Institute outline the scientific evidence that the global warming crisis is almost at the point of no return: It is no longer a matter of how much more we can heat the planet, but how quickly can we cool it. They propose specific measures that need to be taken quickly.

A$27.95 from Abbey’s Bookshop

Stop Global Warming: Change the World. By Jonathan Neale. Bookmarks Publications, 2008

From Britain: Jonathan Neale, a leading British climate activist and member of the Socialist Workers Party, argues that changing our energy regime doesn’t have to mean sacrifice by working people and poor countries. The technology to stop global warming exists — the obstacle to change is not technology, it’s politics.

£11.99 from Bookmarks

Ecology: Moment of Truth. Edited by John Bellamy Foster (July-August, 2008)

From the USA: This special 144-page issue of the socialist magazine Monthly Review features eight important articles on the planetary environmental emergency. A later special issue, to appear this fall, will address the social and economic regime change that is necessary to save the earth as we know it.

US$12.00 from Monthly Review. (A one-year new subscription is $29.00 in the U.S. or Canada, and we recommended it highly.)