Cuba Publishes Environmental Indicators

New report provides comprehensive data on population, atmosphere, water, soils, biodiversity, energy, wastes and more

On May 16, as part of activities leading up to World Environment Day on June 5, Cuba’s National Statistics Office published Cuba’s Environmental Panorama 2007.

The 71-page book includes data related to population, atmosphere, water, soils, biodiversity, energy, wastes and other topics including Cuba’s impressive efforts to plan and implement sustainable development policies.

Because Internet connections to Cuba are often overloaded and slow, Climate and Capitalism is making this important publication available for downloading through our website.

Click here to download Panorama mediambiental Cuba 2007. (PDF: 3.6 MB)

1 Comment

  • I love your website. Really I do. Because it reveals the true motivations behind most of climate activist, anti-capitalism, fascist attempt to control society on a global scale (marxim revisited),…

    For that thank you,