CPC promises 'remarkable results' in all areas of economic and social development by 2030
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Extremely hot days double for half a billion children
Across 100 countries, over half of children experience twice as many heatwaves as 60 years ago
Laundering Carbon and the New Scramble for Africa
The carbon offset market is an integral part of efforts to prevent effective climate action
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, August 2024
From Earth's history to global heating to water crises to socialist strategy: Eight new books for...
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Carbon offsets are undermining real climate action
Offsetting allows corporations to increase emissions, while getting credit for pseudo-reductions...
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, July 2024
Six new books on neoliberal ideology, oceans in crisis, Michigan's water wars, and the corrupt food...
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The near-universal adoption of mass production in confined facilities makes pandemics all but...