Overexploitation and habitat loss pose extinction threats for migratory fish, birds and others, worldwide
Latest Articles
700 million years ago, the Earth froze. Now we know why.
All-time low CO2 levels produced the longest and coldest ice age in in Earth's history
The COP Delusion: Decades of empty words and no action
'Business as usual' overrides action to protect humanity's future
Ecosocialist Bookshelf: February 2024
Important reading for reds and greens, including four new books on capitalism and the pandemic
50 updated replies to climate science deniers
Skeptical Science refutes rampant misinformation about global warming
Tanzania escalates violence to evict indigenous people
Tens of thousands are being driven off their land to make 'conservation parks' for tourists
Left critics denounce COP28, but offer no alternative
Alan Thornett says abstaining from UN climate process is empty posturing: we can't win if we aren't involved
Air pollution from Alberta tar sands is 6300% higher than reported
Organic carbon emissions equal all other Canadian sources combined
Alpine glaciers certain to shrink at least a third by 2050
But if present trends continue, the ice volume will fall nearly 50%
Davos and the melting world economy
As billionnaires meet in luxury, Oxfam publishes a staggering condemnation of capital's failure to meet humanity's needs