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The Obscenity of Carbon Trading

While there are differences in emphasis and details, all four of Canada’s major political parties are proposing “emissions trading” as a key component of their proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Similar schemes have been operating in...

Australian Text Demolishes Neoliberal Environmental Policies

Sharon Beder: Environmental Principles and Policies: An Interdisciplinary Approach. University of New South Wales Press (Sydney, Australia) 2006. 336 pages Reviewed by Ben Courtice Students and critics of official environmental policy probably...

Omission and Censorship Mark Climate Change Debate

by Zoe Kenny Global warming has “very likely” been caused by humanity’s actions. This is one of the main conclusions of the fourth assessment report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), released on February 2. The IPCC’s...

Addendum to: Climate Change Doesn't Scare the Financial Post

by Ian Angus Canada’s Financial Post isn’t the only big-time business paper that puts ideology ahead of science on climate change. The Wall Street Journal is just as bad. Like the Post, the WSJ claims that the IPCC’s recent Summary...

Climate Change Doesn't Scare the Financial Post

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The Greening of Stephen Harper

by John Allemang Ignore the Arctic’s melting caps The warnings on the weather maps, The ozone layer’s gaping holes, But Stephen, don’t ignore the polls. When worried voters all go green, A nation’s leader must be seen To turn...

1000 Years of Global Warming

FEB. 2, 2007: WorkingGroup 1 of the UN Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change today issued its Summary for Policy Makers, summarizing the main conclusions of the major report on the Physical Science Basis of climate change that will be...

Venezuela – An Ecologically Sustainable Revolution?

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