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John Bellamy Foster: A New War on the Planet?

by John Bellamy Foster This essay was published in the 8 June 2007 issue of the Indypendent and in MRzine. It is posted here with the author’s permission. During the last year the global warming debate has reached a turning point. Due to the media...

Marxism and Climate Change: An Exchange

Paul York, an organizer of Students Against Climate Change at the University of Toronto, recently submitted the following comments on Ian Angus’s article Confronting the Climate Change Crisis. Ian’s response follows Paul’s comments Ian, this...

International Ecosocialist Meeting Planned

Dear friends: An important international meeting of ecosocialists will be held in Paris on Sunday October 7. Our goal is to improve communication and coordination among ecosocialist activists around the world and to work towards formation of an...

Denying Time and Place in the Global Warming Debate

by Derrick O’Keefe By now, a number of respected activists have ably rebutted the spurious and provocative writings of Alexander Cockburn on the topic of human-induced global warming (George Monbiot by questioning his sources, and my Seven Oaks...

UN: Biofuels Push Up Food Bills

From Food Outlook, June 1 2007, published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization Based on FAO’s latest analysis, global expenditures on imported foodstuffs look set to surpass US$ 400 billion in 2007, almost 5 percent above the record of the...

Climate Change CO2lonialism

By Tim Forsyth and Zoe Young From Mute magazine – Culture and politics after the net According to Tony Blair, the climate change debate is ‘finally over.’ Who can dismiss the economic arguments of the Stern Report on Climate Change? Only a...

The Truth About Kyoto: Huge Profits, Little Carbon Saved

by Nick Davies additional research by Natasha Gilbert From The Guardian, Saturday June 2, 2007 In autumn 2005, three journalists working for the environmental group the Centre for Science and Environment decided to investigate some of the Indian...

More on Ottawa's Fraudulent Global Warming Plan

by Ian Angus The Pembina Institute’s Analysis of the Government of Canada’s April 2007 Greenhouse Gas Policy Announcement, written by Dr. Matthew Bramley, mostly uses diplomatic language, but it doesn’t shrink from calling Environment Minster...

NASA: Earth's Climate Is Approaching Dangerous Point

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies May 27, 2007 NEW YORK — NASA and Columbia University Earth Institute research finds that human-made greenhouse gases have brought the Earth’s climate close to critical tipping points, with...