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Australian Socialists' Environment Charter Moving Ahead

Ecosocialists around the world have primarily focused on exposing and analysing the capitalist threat to our planet. Australian ecosocialists are moving on the the next step, developing a program that lays out the concrete changes they propose for...

New Report Calls for ‘Reality Check’ on Biofuels

The rush for ‘biofuels’ is already causing serious damage, according to a new report by 11 civil society organisations from around the world. (New Release, July 3, 2007) Agrofuels – towards a reality check in nine key areas sets out...

Climate Vandals Prepare A Do-Nothing APEC

by Zoe Kenny From Green Left Weekly, 29 June 2007Two of the world’s worst climate vandals — US President George Bush and PM John Howard — are preparing their lofty green rhetoric in the lead-up to the so-called “climate change” Asia Pacific Economic...

"Not to laugh, not to weep, but to understand"

From Inhabitable Earth, June 9, 2007 “Not to Laugh, Not to Weep, But to Understand” As Leon Trotsky said of the Stalinist betrayal of the Russian Revolution and everything it achieved, the task is “not to laugh, not to weep, but to...

Why the Market Cannot Solve the Environment Crisis

By Tony Iltis From Green Left Weekly, June 29, 2007 The good news is that Australian politicians and corporations are finally recognising that there is an environmental crisis. The bad news is that the “solutions” being promoted by the establishment...

The Slavery of Climate Change

By Saleemul Huq From Science Alert – Australia and New Zealand June 29, 2007 Tackling climate change is like ending slavery. Climate change threatens to wreck the lives of hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest, least powerful people...

Special Issue of Seedlings Focuses on Agrofuels

“We are trying to get cars to eat bread and people to eat oil” Source: El Roto, El País, Madrid, 2007 No to the agrofuels craze! GRAIN has just published a special issue of Seedling which focuses on biofuels, or as we like to call them, agrofuels...

Another Heritage of Colonialism

From State of the World Population 2007, published this week by the United Nations Population Fund Sea Level Rise: Not If but When, and How Much? One of the alarming prospects of climate change is its impact on sea level rise and its potential...