A Briefing published by the World Development Movement (WDM) and the London Islamic Network for the Environment (LINE). Climate change is increasingly seen as the biggest challenge facing humanity. We will all be affected by it, but it is many of...
Latest Articles
Great Green Smokescreen
by Simon Korner Dispatches on Channel 4 [U.K.] on July 16 examined the trend for offsetting one’s “carbon footprint,” and questioned how accurate the science for measuring this really is.BP has claimed on its website that by buying into a scheme for...
Climate Change and Class Conflict
by Chris Harman In the past two years the question of climate change has moved from the margins of mainstream political debate to the centre. Hardly a week goes by without some international meeting discussing it. Politicians and corporations of all...
International Ecosocialist Meeting – Update #1
More information on this fall’s planned international meeting of ecosocialists The response to last month’s call for an international meeting of ecosocialists has been very encouraging. As that announcement said: “This meeting is a very preliminary...
Cubans Call for a Global Response to Climate Change
From Granma (newspaper of the Communist Party of Cuba), July 6, 2007 By a group of authors from the Cuban Ministry of Science and Technology (CITMA) and the Council of State Before the beginning of the recent meeting of the Group of 8, President...
Australian Socialists' Environment Charter Moving Ahead
Ecosocialists around the world have primarily focused on exposing and analysing the capitalist threat to our planet. Australian ecosocialists are moving on the the next step, developing a program that lays out the concrete changes they propose for...
New Report Calls for ‘Reality Check’ on Biofuels
The rush for ‘biofuels’ is already causing serious damage, according to a new report by 11 civil society organisations from around the world. (New Release, July 3, 2007) Agrofuels – towards a reality check in nine key areas sets out...
Toward a New Environmental Movement: Time to Kick Out the Corporate Bastards
by Jeffrey St. Clair & Joshua Frank From Counterpunch and Dissident Voice, both on June 29, 2007. Reprinted in Climate and Capitalism by permission of the authors The environmental movement is on life support. Some would say it is already dead...
Climate Vandals Prepare A Do-Nothing APEC
by Zoe Kenny From Green Left Weekly, 29 June 2007Two of the world’s worst climate vandals — US President George Bush and PM John Howard — are preparing their lofty green rhetoric in the lead-up to the so-called “climate change” Asia Pacific Economic...
U.K. Socialists Boost Int'l Ecosocialism Meeting, Plan Labour Climate Change Conference
These articles appear in the Summer 2007 issue of the U.K. newspaper Socialist Resistance. Ecosocialists To Launch New International by Derek Wall Derek Wall is the Green Party of England and Wales Principal Speaker. In what promises to be a...