At the Vienna negotiations on climate change this week, Canada played a key role in preventing agreement on goals for greenhouse gas emissions. Over 100 governments reluctantly agreed that cuts of 25 to 40 percent are needed, but set no binding...
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Biofuels and the Impending Climate Catastrophe
By Pete Ashley From Permanent Revolution, August 18, 2007 As the impending climate change catastrophe grows in scale and urgency, politicians feel the need to be seen to be “doing something”. This largely consists of launching schemes which avoid...
How Capitalism “Solves” a Climate Crisis
By Ian Angus There have been many debates, on this blog and elsewhere, about whether global warming can be “solved” in a capitalist framework. Many people have proposed plans to radically reduce greenhouse gas emissions without radical social change...
Monbiot Says Global Revolutionary Change Required
From George Monbiot’s speech at the Camp for Climate Change in London Aug. 18. George Monbiot is the author of the climate change bestseller Heat, and a columnist for the U.K. Guardian. From UK Indymedia I’m going to start with some bad...
Savage Capitalism -the Ecosocialist Alternative (Summary)
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Global Warming Threatens the Nile Delta
From New Delhi Television (NDTV) Friday, August 24, 2007Alexandria: Millions of Egyptians could be forced permanently from their homes, the country’s ability to feed itself devastated.That’s what likely awaits this already impoverished...
Ecuador Seeks to Leave Amazon Oil Underground
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Almost all of the press coverage of protests against the Bush-Harper-Calderon summit in Quebec this week has focused on a tiny group of “rock throwing anarchists.” Here’s the real story … Photo from Canadian Union of Public Employees. Captions added...
What Will APEC Do About Climate Change? Nothing.
The Sydney Morning Herald has obtained a copy of the “Draft Outline of APEC Leaders’ Declaration on Climate Change, Energy Security and Clean Development.” It can be downloaded HERE. (Warning: Although it’s only 8 pages long, this is a 19 Mbyte file...