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Biofuel: An Agricultural Crime Against Humanity

By George Monbiot Published in the Guardian 6th November 2007 Full article from It doesn’t get madder than this. Swaziland is in the grip of a famine and receiving emergency food aid. Forty per cent of its people are facing acute...

Richest Countries Must Cut Emissions Fast and Deep

From Inter Press Service, Nov. 5, 2007 By Imelda Abano NEW DELHI, Nov 5 (IPS) – The world’s richest countries must drastically reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to mitigate climate change impacts, says the lead author of a United...

Global Food Crisis Looms

From The Guardian, Saturday November 3 2007 John Vidal, environment editor Empty shelves in Caracas. Food riots in West Bengal and Mexico. Warnings of hunger in Jamaica, Nepal, the Philippines and sub-Saharan Africa. Soaring prices for basic foods...

California Wildfires: The Collision of Capitalism and Nature

From Socialist Worker (U.S.), November 2, 2007 Despite their nonstop coverage, nearly all of the media accounts of the wildfires in Southern California missed the deeper causes of the catastrophe–years of destructive land development driven by...

'Greenwash Guerrillas' Invade New York City Carbon Trading Expo

New York City – Protesters with Rising Tide North America’s “Greenwash Guerrillas” paid a surprise Halloween visit to the Carbon Market Insights conference in New York City today. Posing as delegates, two protesters took the stage at the exclusive...

Air Travel and Climate Change. Why Taxes Aren't the Answer

by Jonathan Neale From Socialist Worker (UK) October 20 2007 Tackling climate change means cutting carbon emissions drastically. We have to start now – that’s clear. But there’s confusion over what to do about air travel. Half of global carbon...