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As Climate Disasters Accelerate, the Poorest Are Hit Hardest

An excerpt from “Climate Alarm: Disasters increase as climate change bites,” a new report published by Oxfam International. Climatic disasters are on the increase as the Earth warms up – in line with scientific observations and computer simulations...

Rich Nations Renege on Promised Climate Change Aid

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The Public Route to Sustainable Homes

Glyn Robbins is a member of Unite, the largest manufacturing union in Britain, and a supporter of Defend Council Housing. This article is a contribution to the discussion at the coming Trade Union Conference on Climate Change, to be held at the...

How Can an Effective Climate Change Movement be Built?

From Green Left Weekly, Nov. 16 2007 by Kamala Emanuel (Kamala Emanuel is a Socialist Alliance candidate for the Senate in New South Wales, in this week’s election in Australia) November 11’s national Walk Against Warming was an important...

Conference Report: "From Climate Crisis to Climate Justice"

By John Riddell John Riddell is co-editor of Socialist Voice NOVEMBER 17 — Today the Toronto Climate Campaign organized a teach-in called “From Climate Crisis to Climate Justice,” a building action for the December 8 global day of...

IPCC: "Abrupt or Irreversible Climate Changes and Impacts"

From Agence France Presse The UN’s Nobel-winning panel on climate change on Friday completed a draft report that said the consequences of global warming could be far-reaching and irreversible. The report by the Intergovernmental Panel on...