From George Monbiot’s speech at the Camp for Climate Change in London Aug. 18. George Monbiot is the author of the climate change bestseller Heat, and a columnist for the U.K. Guardian. From UK Indymedia I’m going to start with some bad news, and the bad news is this. Two degrees is no...
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Savage Capitalism -the Ecosocialist Alternative (Summary)
by Ian Angus (Note: the following article was originally posted in three installments. I have merged it into one post to simplify reading and printing) (Update, Sept. 2 2007: I understand that “Savage Capitalism” was approved by the AGM of Socialist Resistance this weekend.) “Savage...
Indigenous People in West Papua Fight Biofuel Expansion
The Indonesian government appears to be intent on a massive expansion in oil palm plantations as a source of bio-fuel. This will involve the destruction of millions of hectares of rainforest and with it the indigenous populations who have lived in and managed these forests for thousands of years...
Global Warming Threatens the Nile Delta
From New Delhi Television (NDTV) Friday, August 24, 2007Alexandria: Millions of Egyptians could be forced permanently from their homes, the country’s ability to feed itself devastated.That’s what likely awaits this already impoverished and overpopulated nation by the end of the century...
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Police Provocateurs Exposed at Quebec Demonstration (Updated)
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What Will APEC Do About Climate Change? Nothing.
The Sydney Morning Herald has obtained a copy of the “Draft Outline of APEC Leaders’ Declaration on Climate Change, Energy Security and Clean Development.” It can be downloaded HERE. (Warning: Although it’s only 8 pages long, this is a 19 Mbyte file. Don’t download it on a slow connection unless...
Joel Kovel: The first two steps to ecosocialism
[Quotes and Insights #2] “However uncertain the end point, the first two steps on the path are clearly laid out, and are within the reach of every conscientious person. These are that people ruthlessly criticize the capitalist system ‘from to to botton’, and that they include in...
Canada: Oilsands Emissions Double In 15 Years
From The Edmonton Journal, Aug 5, 2007, via Tar Sands Watch by Duncan Thorne EDMONTON – Greenhouse gases from oilsands production have doubled in just 15 years, driven by soaring United States demand for oil, reveals the latest inventory of the emissions in Canada.The jump in oilsands-related...
Global Warming Makes the Case for Socialism
by Zoe Kenny From Green Left Weekly, August 22, 2007 Twenty years ago, a UN special commission produced a report, Our Common Future, that predicted rising CO2 levels would lead to a mean temperature increase of up to 4.5oC within 50 years, which would cause catastrophic climate change. The report...