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Bolivia: A balance sheet for 2012, challenges for 2013
Despite attacks from within and abroad, Bolivia's 'process of change' made important gains in 2012, and is building on its strengths to advance into a post-capitalist economic revolution.
Why Shell can't be trusted in the Arctic
Greenpeace explains why the petro-giant's Arctic adventure is an environmental disaster waiting to happen.
Canadian Youth Climate Coalition takes the gloves off
Student activists give up tax-free status to fight fossil fuel giants
Connect the dots for a New's Year's revolution!
We need a 21st Century Green Manifesto to overthrow the Corporatocracy and dismantle the suicide economy, before it’s too late.
On optimism and pessimism
Leon Trotsky: Thoughts on a new year
Antarctic: The big melt accelerates
West Antarctica is one of the fastest warming regions on Earth
Canada: Idle No More movement demands indigenous rights, environmental justice
Video: Democracy Now interviews Dr. Pamela Palmater, spokeswoman for the Idle No More movement.
C&C's 2012 Top 20
In 2012 the most popular Climate & Capitalism articles were ...
Believing otherwise: Individual action and social change
Individual actions won’t change the world — but that doesn’t mean every advocate of personal change is headed in the wrong direction.