Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Essential Reading
Book Reviews
Category - Energy
A socialist defends nuclear energy
Oil, energy and capitalism: An unpublished talk by Barry Commoner
Lac-Mégantic and the presumed innocence of capitalism
Bolivia puts people and environment before profit
To save the earth, nationalize the energy industry
Stop the dash for gas! Activists shut UK power plant
Thirst for power: How coal, nuclear and gas waste our water
Capitalism's destructive quest for extreme energy
Green energy won't save the earth without social change
Natural gas: another magic bullet that won't stop climate change
No time to waste on transition to green energy
To protect energy profits, Capital gambles with humanity’s future
Natural gas: no solution to climate change
Clean energy is possible, practical, and essential – now!
Three fallacies spread by renewable energy deniers
IPCC: Renewables could provide 80% of global energy by 2050
The limits to energy efficiency
The False Promise of Energy Efficiency
The Myth of the Efficient Car