Kyoto will likely pass away in 2012, except for the emissions trading schemes which capitalists can use for profit. What we do outside the Durban conference will be very important
Noted South African activist and scholar says Patrick Bond there are really two streams of environmental thought and action regarding the ongoing United Nations climate talks, known as the “Conference of the Parties” (to the Kyoto Protocol).
The first, like Climate Action Network, really hoped the industrial countries and the developing world could use climate financing and market mechanisms (like carbon trading) to work towards a lower emissions world.
The second, the Climate Justice Movement, rejects actors like The World Bank, and capitalist intervention using tools like carbon trading. They also question the REDD agreement banking carbon credits in forests, especially tropical forests – because it takes rights away from the indigenous inhabitants.
Click on the arrow to listen to Patricks interview with Alex Smith of Canada’s syndicated weekly Radio Ecoshock Show.