But if present trends continue, the ice volume will fall nearly 50%
Water Crisis
But if present trends continue, the ice volume will fall nearly 50%
As billionnaires meet in luxury, Oxfam publishes a staggering condemnation of capital's failure to meet humanity's needs
Wealth flowing from poorest nations to the richest. World Bank and IMF must go!
From killer insects to trash to degrowth, six new books for understanding and changing the world
What mad ideas lie behind capitalism's drive towards planetary catastrophe?
Every single day was over a degree above the pre-industrial level
In memory of Paul Burkett, Marxist scholar and jazz musician, 1956-2024
David Schwartzman argues for an 'Eco-Leninist' movement against fossil fuels
Important steps towards formally defining a new epoch in Earth System history
Final declaration of the debacle in Dubai mentioned fossil fuel, but promised nothing