Socialists debate whether nuclear can generate the power needed to improve the economic well-being...
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‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ is a hoax
CSR is a public replations framework that lets corporations greenwash their public images...
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, January 2020
Mining in late capitalism; Green New Deal; The Pentagon and climate change; Big Oil vs democracy;...
Greta Thunberg: ‘Clever statistics and creative PR’...
At UN conference, Greta condemns government and corporate refusal to take effective action to...
Ecosocialist Bookshelf: Best of 2019
This was a bumper year for books of interest to ecosocialists. Here are ten that we found...
A system that steals from our future
“We have been mortgaging the health of future generations to realize economic and development gains...
Capitalism versus Life on Earth
Environmental destruction isn’t driven by human nature or mistaken ideas. It is an inevitable...
Building resistance to Canada’s destructive mining industry
Long-time activist Joan Kuyek brilliantly shares lessons from decades of fighting environmental and...
Urban farming as a response to climate-driven food crises: Cuba...
Cuba’s experience suggests that urban farming can help stave off potential famine when the climate...
Climate change and overfishing boost toxic mercury levels in fish
Rising ocean temperatures are amplifying the accumulation of neurotoxins in fish that are often...
For Feminist Resistance to Population Control
When population is cast as the problem, restrictions like fertility control, heightened borders...
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, November 2019
The red and green shelf is overflowing! Nine important new books address topics ranging from...