Latest Articles

Movement Building

Ecosocialism: A Vital Synthesis

Pioneer ecosocialist Michael Löwy on the red-green alternative to the unsustainable status quo, and the movement for a Great Transition

A network of global rifts

Facing the Anthropocene: An Update

Recent scientific work strengthens and extends the arguments in Ian Angus’s pathbreaking book on fossil capitalism and the crisis of the Earth System

Reading for reds and greens

Ecosocialist Bookshelf, November 2020

Seven new books and four book reviews. Engels at 200; Capitalist Crime; Eleanor Marx on England; Wheat’s Biography; Early Capitalist Farming; Renewable Energy; Sinking Middle Class

Essential Reading

The Return of Nature: Socialism and Ecology

John Bellamy Foster's brilliant recovery of a century of ecological and socialist thought will inform, enable, and inspire a new generation of reds and greens