Derek Wall
Congratulations to DEREK WALL, the newly-elected International Coordinator of the UK Green Party. He’s a good friend and a dedicated ecosocialist: I know he will be a great asset for the Greens, and a force for moving them left.
Derek’s books include The Rise of the Green Left: A Global Introduction to Ecosocialism and The No-Nonsense Guide to Green Politics. He also wrote the Foreword to the UK edition of my book, The Global Fight for Climate Justice. He blogs at Another Green World.
Derek has been a frequent contributor to Climate & Capitalism. Some of his recent appearances here include:
- Interview: ‘Ecosocialism is a pragmatic, effective response to the crisis on our planet’
- The left cannot afford disunity
- To be realistic we must be heretics
I look forward to working with him (hands across the ocean, Derek!) in his new capacity.