10 articles on how to (re)build the left

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We don’t necessarily agree with all of these, but they are all well worth reading…

Road maps, dead ends, and the search for fresh ground:
How can we build the socialist movement in the 21st century?
Dan DiMaggio in Cultural Logic

Occupy and the tasks of socialists
Pham Binh in Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

A convergence of realities
Malik Miah in Against the Current

Audacity, More Audacity
Samir Amin in Pambazuka 

The shape of socialist strategy
John Riddell discusses the ideas of Daniel Bensaid

France: The NPA in crisis
Jason Stanley in Solidarity  (Be sure to read the comments as well as the article)

Three complaints about Occupy Wall Street
Charles Lenchner in Technology Operations group

A movement without demands?
Marco Deseriis and Jodi Dean in Possible Futures

Why workers can change the world
Paul Blackledge in Socialist Review

“To change things we need to work every day in the struggles”
Esther Vivas in International Viewpoint